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Beginner Missions [Wind Boys!]

Writer's picture: michiru .michiru .

This is the translated beginner missions for the game, Wind Boys! I hope this helps.

​Practice once!

Practice and trigger FEVER once

Get the 1st Chapter of the story to 100%

Check the regional settings

Level to Rank 3

Check my page settings

Change your profile self-introduction

Create a board

Set a link password

We will go through it row by row:

(You can just tap on it and it will bring you straight to the point)


Practice once!

Click on the big orange button and you will be lead to

Click on the first box and it will lead you to here:

Click on the arrow that is pointing on the first box and it will bring up this:

If the cards you rolled from the gacha isn't showing up all you need to do is press the top right blue button and that will bring up a pop-up and it will automatically set the changes to the type of the training. Pressing that button will bring up this:

For example, this picture is a Rhythm type so the pop-up will tick the pnk button and all you have to do is press 'OK' and your team will be set to the cards which are going to perform well for the training.

After you finish, the box should be checked!


Practice once and trigger FEVER!

In the training selection area, you can see a small fever gauge at the bottom left of all the training and that is your gauge. You can max the gauge by keep on practicing.

After that, you should be done!


Get the first Chapter of the story to 100%

The first chapter they are referring to is the second row, dont worry if you don't have all the parts unlocked, you can unlock them by just practicing.

After you have unlocked all the parts, the box should be checked!


Check the regional settings

To get to this page, press the top right button, the one with 9 squares, from there press the gear button beside the headset button which is the custome support button. Then you will arrive at the settings page.

On the top right hand corner, tap on the last row and you will be brought to page above. To check the regional settings, just press the bottom right button of the right column and this will pop up:

You can choose whereever you want on the map or do nothing and you should be done!


Level to Rank 3!

To get to Rank 3, all you have to do is to continue practicing and you will level up gradually!


Check my Page settings

What this mission means is to change the character on your home screen:

Tap on the floppy disk button beside the megaphone button and then this will pop up:

Choose the character you like and and you can also choose the outfit you want them to be in by clicking on the character again and you are done!


Change your profile self-introduction

From your home page, press the 9 square buttons to go to the button which will lead you to change your profile:

Press the first button on the top left and you will be brought to your profile:

This is the profile page:

To change the card displayed, press the white button under the picture and you cna choose the card from your collection to display.

If you want to change the badges at the bottom, just go to the middle row at the top right corner of the ID card and you will see this page:

Here are the badges, you can also press the button on the bottom right and you will see another set of badges you can put on your profile, to add to your profilr, just tap on that you like and this will pop up:

Then, to add to the profile, choose the position, either position 1 (middle button) or position 2 (right button) and then it will be added to your profile!


Create a board

There is a function in Wind Boys! and that is to create a cork board!

To go to the cork board page, at the side of the practice button (big orange button) there is a symbol of a board and a pin, tap on it and it will bring you to this:

Then, you can press the pencil button and start designing your cork board, to save the cork board after you're done, just tap the bottom right button, the one that is in blue.


Set a Link password

There is 2 ways to set a password for your account; either through how most Japanese games do it which is by the ID and a password or through either Google Play or Twitter

Press the 4th row, last button the one with the smartphone and that will bring you to this page:

On the left is the oen with your ID and password and on the right is by using Google Play or Twitter and after you are done with connecting it, the box should be checked!


Congrats, you made it this far!

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