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Black Cat Rhapsody / Chapter 1 [ES]

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Bear in mind, this has not been proof read or anything!!


<In September, on a certain day, in a corner of the Hanging Garden>

Leo: ♪~ ♪~......

(Hm~...No, this isn't right, this is not the right tone at all! This variation is too boring!)

(Ahhhh! My eyes! My hands! My brain! All my body parts are good, quickly help me think of an idea!)

(Obviously, for this job commissioned me to return home, but why can't I find the most suitable melody...!)

(Ah~ Why can't the inspiration just show up now! On the contrary, when I need you the most, you ruthlessly abandoned me!)


Hwah! It's someone who doesn't know either good or bad who suddenly knocked me on the head! Don't you know that a brain of a genius can't be touched casually! What you have interrupted was the creation of a world famous song!

...Ah? What is this, it's just a broken branch.

—Wait a second, could this be like when Newton was hit by an apple? Or being hit by something from a tree is actually the fate of a genius?

Uwah?! Turns out it wasn't because of gravity this time, but instead of a huge gust of wind!

Don't take this opportunity to escape, my music sheet! Do you hear me, I askeed you to stop ahhh!

Madara: Oops, I almost ran into you head-on, good looking, good looking~

Oh? If it isn't Leo! Although it is good to be energetic, but make sure to pay attention to your surroundings when you are running.

Leo: Sorry Mama! My music sheet has just been blown away by the wind, that's why I'm running!

Madara: In that case, let Mama help you! In the name of that child, I need to rush-------☆

Leo: Wahaha! Worthy of Mama, collecting all the music sheets in a blink of an eye! Thank you Mama! I love you!

Madara: Hahaha! After all, I used to be the head of the track and field club, this kind of running is naturally a piece of cake ♪

But I remember that Leo, you should have just gone to Florence not long ago, why are you so quick to be back in the country?

Leo: Actually, I received a commision for a TV drama soundtrack, returning back to the country is more convenient for the cilent and I to discuss specific details.

And the style of the show is peculiar and interesting, so I decided to agree to the commission. Mama, you surely can't guess what show it is right~?

Madara: Oh? It seems that Leo is quite suitable for hosting variety shows, my curiosity is completed raised! It can't be my favourite festivial theme?

Leo: Humph, humph, humph, it's not that easy! It's a super power custome drama☆

Madara: Costume drama? I've heard of a well-known acting drama called [General Vampire], is the work similar?

Leo: Not quite the same! The main feature of this TV series is the collision and confrontation of various magical skills in the setting of an ancientk style, full of unhurried and vivid imagination!

When Anzu received the commission, she said that I would like it, she really understands me♪

But after enthusiastically coming back, I don't know why I encountered a bottleneck period*...Boo hoo, where are the inspirations that are usually overflowing, where did they go at critical moments?!

(The bottleneck period is when there is a period of stagnation when things are unable to change their own conditions and external environment in the process of change and development, this can be used by organisations and individuals within the organisation.)

Leo: Eh, was the day that dark just now? Did I just talk to Mama till night without knowing it?

Madara: Hahaha! Although whenever I'm with Leo, time filies very fast, but it's still the afternoon.

The clouds on the horizon looks very cloudy, it seems like it is going to rain soon. Today's weather's forecast says that it will rain heavily, but it was still sunny just now, and I thought that the weather forecast was wrong.

It seems like you didn't bring out your umbrella with you, let's quickly go back in.

???" Meow~

Madara: Hm? It seems from somewhere there came out a cat sound, or did I hear it wrongly?

Leo: Ah, quickly turn your head, Mama, there is a black cat on that tree!

Madara: Oh, it's true! How strange, this is the 12th floor, also pets aren't allowed in the ES building, so why is there a cat here?

Leo: Tweet~ Are you also a wandering artist, or on a journey to find inspiration? Wahahaha☆

But it's soon gonna rain, it's dangerous to stay in such a high place, I will catch you properly~

Black Kitten: Meow...

Leo: ...It seems like it is scared of us, why won't it come over? Is it because it doesn't know how to get down?

Madara: Seeing its listless look, it most likely to be that it doesn't know how to get down. Being stuck in trees is also quite common for cats.

Aiya, rain drops have already started falling, it seems like we need to hurry up, no matter if it's a person or a cat, if it were to rain and blow cold winds, it is very easy for us to catch a cold.

Why don't we split work, I'll wait here and watch the cat, could you borrow an umbrella from inside the building?

Leo: No problem! Then Mama, you just wait here for a while, I'll be very quick and return!

Madara: Good~ Now it's up for Mama's show off hand! Little Kitty, behave and don't move, watch me as I crawl down! Hey...Shoo!

Black Kitten: Meow~!

Madara: Don't be scared, don't be scared, I'm rescuing you, okay? Come, slowly turn your body here a bit...

You did well, good kid, good kid~ Just stay like this, in Mama's safety and warmthso it's not scary♪

Leo: Hey~Mama, I've brought the umbrella here!

Eh, Mama, how did this happen! Asking me to leave to be sheltered from the rain, yet in the end, you, yourself went to saved the cat! Look at how drenched your whole body is!

If because of self-control and Mama catches a cold and gets sick, I will get angry!

Madara: Ahaha, sorry sorry. I didn't think that the rain would be that big, but originally I thought it was okay if I just made a quick descision.

But thank you for worrying about me. Don't worry, my body is still strong♪

Come, Leo, carry the cat under your umbrella. If it gets wet by my clothes, then the effort from protecting it from the rain will be wasted.

Black Kitten: Meow—!

Leo: Wah?! No way, why did the kitten jump out suddenly?!

Madara; Hahaha, that child rushed into the building at the speed of 100 meters, the amazing explosive power that even I am ashamed of being inferior*.

[自愧不如 (zì kuì bù rú) ashamed of being inferior (idiom), to feel inferior to others]

But now I have a subtle feeling, it's like not being understood by a mother's own child...

Leo: Don't worry Mama, you still have me! I understand you!

But in case the kid runs around the building and cause trouble, it will definitely be taken away. Let's get it back quickly!

<In a corridor on the 12th floor in the ES building>

Leo: Hu, hu... How does it run so quick, all of a sudden it's gone. Little Kitty~ Where did you go—

Madara: Little Kitty~ Mama is here—

Eh, if it's only us two finding it, it's not very efficent. why don't we post a message to the [Group Space], let the people who see it contact us, how about it?

Leo: You're right! We've been chasing the kitten, never did I think of this idea!

Let me find, my phone, my phone...

Madara: Oh? Leo, you couldn't possibly lost your phone? Although most people rely on their phones often which is not even a good thing, but being able to contact immediately, you should best carry your phone with you everywhere?

Leo: Haha, Mama, your remarks sound familiar! That's right, Suou~ Also often lectured that to me!

...Woah, woah, that's nice, my phoen has just been in my clothiing pockets☆ Beep, beep, beep, beep, click and send!


Translated by: Michiruz07, 15/10/2021

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1 Comment

Nov 16, 2021

spectacular, thank you for your hard work♡

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