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  • Writer's picturemichiru .

Song of Mermaids / Chapter 1 [ES]

Bear in mind, this has not been proofread or anything!!


Aira: (Hum hum~ Hum~♪ Finally, I can visit a series of idol shops after a long time~!)

(The walls are covered with pictures and posters of idol, the title song of each group is playing in my ears... It feels just like I'm surrounded by my favourite idols, so Lo~ve☆)

(For me, who has been training hard all day, this is simply the best reward♪)

(Let me think, what is good to buy today... The badge that I didn't managed to get last time, do I want to go and take a look again?)

(Although, this time I brought enough money to buy a whole box, but if it's just to buy a lot of duplicate badges just to collect the last one, seems a bit uneconomical to me.)

(And, in a case that a single draw can be drawn, it can save a lot of money to buy other peripherals.)

(The sale strategy of the seller must be to capture the fluke psychology of consumers. Uh uh, so tangled~...)

(Wait a minute, is that an [Eden]'s poster, I think this is the first time I've seen it... Could it be a new periphery?)

(Then I should hurry up, after all, [Eden]'s peripherals always quickly sell out, even if I want to buy it second-hand online, the prices are always ridiculously high.)

(...Oh, I remembered! At the tea party that [Pretty 5] held a few days ago, Senior Tomoe seem to have mentioned that [Eden] will soon release a new CD.)

(It is also said that this time, there will be a special thank-you handshake meet-and-greet for the fans that bought the CD... If I miss this rare opportunity, I will forever regret it!)

Hello, please help me check out the bill~♪

(Ahahaha, it seems that even the clerk is scared by the number of CDs I bought, they even thoughtfully helped me set up two layers of shopping bags.)

(Woo, this month's pocket money is almost used up as soon as I use it, if I knew earlier, I should have been more frugal...)

(But the shopping bags are already heavy, even if I wanted to buy a few more pieces, it's probably inconvenient to bring it back.)

(Having so many CDs, it's enough for me to hold hands for several minutes, right? I look forward to what Senior Tomoe will say to me, hey hey...♪)

Hiyori: Jun, you're walking too slow! If you don't want to be left behind by me, quickly follow!

Aira: (...What? Just now I seem to have heard Senior Tomoe's voice? Or could it be that actually, I am still immersed in my own peaceful world?)

Jun: GODDAMN! Isn't because of you, Senior Hiyori, who bought all this stuff and shoved it to me, you sure are relaxed, hah~?

Hiyori: Haha, isn't this all Jun's obligation every time? It's too late to feel dissatisfied til now!

Aira: (I pinch...Uh, my face hurts!)

(What? What? This is actually the real world, is the real idol actually in front of me?! Wahahahaha, my brain is going blank from the excitement!)

(—Ah, the two seniors went to the elavator. I should also quicken my pace, lighten my steps...☆)

(Although it seems to be a bit impolite to follow seniors secretly like this, but now, I can't care about that much!)

(Being able to see [Eve], the two top idols in a shopping mall together, it's too precious and Lo~ve! I can't bear to blink!)

(So, please let me appreciate such a sacred and wonderful scene for a while, leave more unforgettable memories for today... Huhuhuhuhu♪)

<Level one of the shopping mall>

Hiyori: Uh-huh, this clothing store seems not bad! Jun, stop sitting there lazily, come over and accompany me♪

Jun: What is it, can't you let me rest for a while... I'm not like you, Senior Tomoe, who doesn't feel tired when going shopping.

Didn't you say that you only needed to buy sunscreen today when you went out? The clothing store is not within the scope of the plan.

Hiyori: They say that plans can't keep up with changes. If life can only proceed step by step along the planned route, then that would be too boring.

Jun: These kind of lines are not supposed to be used in these context... Forget it, anyways, every time I shop with Senior Tomoe, I always will go beyond the scheduled time, I can only accompany you till the end.

And the mood of Senior Tomoe today seems to e even brighter than usual. Could it be because of [that]?

Hiyori: Uh-huh! I worked with Jun for several days, finally we got a free time on a holiday, I'm looking forward to it from now on♪

Talking about summer, of course, going to the beach to enjoy the bright sunshine and soft sands!

Jun:... Could you explain if there is any casual relationship between these two sentences?

But, from us talking to this clothing store, it's as if there is a hot trail following us... It can't be my illusion right?

Hiyori: Hum, nomatter where we go, I am a presence that attracts attention, so, this can't be helped!

Since Jun is always by my side, he's almost gotten used to me, right?

Jun: Eh~ Is it okay to let your guard down? Does Sneior Tomoe think that even if they encounter some suspicious people, I'm here as a shield...?

Hiyori: This idea is not bad, thank you for reminding me☆

In short, don't worry about it, focus on feeling the experience with shopping on a good day!

Quickly look, this short-sleeved shirt with a large flower pattern, isn't it very Hawaiian♪

But I prefer the one with the coconut leaf pattern—

(...Eh? There is another hand that is one step faster than me. and a shirt of the exact same style was removed from the hanger?)

Translated by: Michiruz07, 16/11/2021


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